How To Play
How To Win
Play Types Examples Winning Combinations 50¢ Play $1.00 Play
(Exact Order)
12345 12345 $25,000 $50,000
5 digits in exact order. 1 Way to win. Odds - 1 in 100,000
(Any Order)
5-Way Box 11112 11112, 11121, 11211, 12111, 21111 $5,000 $10,000
4 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 20,000
10-Way Box 11122 11122, 11212, 12112, 21112, 11221, 12121, 21121, 12211, 21211, 22111 $2,500 $5,000
3 identical digits plus 1 pair of identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 10,000
20-Way Box 11123 11123, 11213, 12113, 21113, 11132, 11312, 13112, 31112, 11231, 12131, 21131, 11321, 13121, 31121, 12311, 21311, 13211, 31211, 23111, 32111 $1,250 $2,500
3 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 5,000
30-Way Box 11223 11223, 12123, 21123, 12213, 21213, 22113, 11232, 12132, 21132, 11322, 13122, 31122, 12312, 21312, 13212, 31212, 23112, 32112, 12231, 21231, 22131, 12321, 21321, 13221, 31221, 23121, 32121, 22311, 23211, 32211 $800 $1,600
2 pairs of identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 3,333
60-Way Box 11234 11234, 12134, 21134, 11324, 13124, 31124, 12314, 21314, 13214, 31214, 23114, 32114, 11243, 12143, 21143, 11423, 14123, 41123, 12413, 21413, 14213, 41213, 24113, 42113, 11342, 13142, 31142, 11432, 14132, 41132, 13412, 31412, 14312, 41312, 34112, 43112, 12341, 21341, 13241, 31241, 23141, 32141, 12431, 21431, 14231, 41231, 24131, 42131, 13421, 31421, 14321, 41321, 34121, 43121, 23411, 32411, 24311, 42311, 34211, 43211 $400 $800
2 identical digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 1,667
120-Way Box 12345 12345, 21345, 13245, 31245, 23145, 32145, 12435, 21435, 14235, 41235, 24135, 42135, 13425, 31425, 14325, 41325, 34125, 43125, 23415, 32415, 24315, 42315, 34215, 43215, 12354, 21354, 13254, 31254, 23154, 32154, 12534, 21534, 15234, 51234, 25134, 52134, 13524, 31524, 15324, 51324, 35124, 53124, 23514, 32514, 25314, 52314, 35214, 53214, 12453, 21453, 14253, 41253, 24153, 42153, 12543, 21543, 15243, 51243, 25143, 52143, 14523, 41523, 15423, 51423, 45123, 54123, 24513, 42513, 25413, 52413, 45213, 54213, 13452, 31452, 14352, 41352, 34152, 43152, 13542, 31542, 15342, 51342, 35142, 53142, 14532, 41532, 15432, 51432, 45132, 54132, 34512, 43512, 35412, 53412, 45312, 54312, 23451, 32451, 24351, 42351, 34251, 43251, 23541, 32541, 25341, 52341, 35241, 53241, 24531, 42531, 25431, 52431, 45231, 54231, 34521, 43521, 35421, 53421, 45321, 54321 $200 $400
5 unique digits in any order. Odds - 1 in 833
5-Way Straight/Box 11112 11112 (Exact Order) $30,000
11121, 11211, 12111, 21111
(Any Order)
Straight and Box with 4 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 20,000
10-Way Straight/Box 11122 11122 (Exact Order) $27,500
11212, 12112, 21112, 11221, 12121, 21121, 12211, 21211, 22111
(Any Order)
Straight and Box with 3 identical digits plus 1 pair of identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 10,000
20-Way Straight/Box 11123 11123 (Exact Order) $26,250
11213, 12113, 21113, 11132, 11312, 13112, 31112, 11231, 12131, 21131, 11321, 13121, 31121, 12311, 21311, 13211, 31211, 23111, 32111
(Any Order)
Straight and Box with 3 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 5,000
30-Way Straight/Box 11223 11223 (Exact Order) $25,800
12123, 21123, 12213, 21213, 22113, 11232, 12132, 21132, 11322, 13122, 31122, 12312, 21312, 13212, 31212, 23112, 32112, 12231, 21231, 22131, 12321, 21321, 13221, 31221, 23121, 32121, 22311, 23211, 32211
(Any Order)
Straight and Box with 2 pairs of identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 3,333
60-Way Straight/Box 11234 11234 (Exact Order) $25,400
12134, 21134, 11324, 13124, 31124, 12314, 21314, 13214, 31214, 23114, 32114, 11243, 12143, 21143, 11423, 14123, 41123, 12413, 21413, 14213, 41213, 24113, 42113, 11342, 13142, 31142, 11432, 14132, 41132, 13412, 31412, 14312, 41312, 34112, 43112, 12341, 21341, 13241, 31241, 23141, 32141, 12431, 21431, 14231, 41231, 24131, 42131, 13421, 31421, 14321, 41321, 34121, 43121, 23411, 32411, 24311, 42311, 34211, 43211
(Any Order)
Straight and Box with 2 identical digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 1,667
120-Way Straight/Box 12345 12345 (Exact Order) $25,200
21345, 13245, 31245, 23145, 32145, 12435, 21435, 14235, 41235, 24135, 42135, 13425, 31425, 14325, 41325, 34125, 43125, 23415, 32415, 24315, 42315, 34215, 43215, 12354, 21354, 13254, 31254, 23154, 32154, 12534, 21534, 15234, 51234, 25134, 52134, 13524, 31524, 15324, 51324, 35124, 53124, 23514, 32514, 25314, 52314, 35214, 53214, 12453, 21453, 14253, 41253, 24153, 42153, 12543, 21543, 15243, 51243, 25143, 52143, 14523, 41523, 15423, 51423, 45123, 54123, 24513, 42513, 25413, 52413, 45213, 54213, 13452, 31452, 14352, 41352, 34152, 43152, 13542, 31542, 15342, 51342, 35142, 53142, 14532, 41532, 15432, 51432, 45132, 54132, 34512, 43512, 35412, 53412, 45312, 54312, 23451, 32451, 24351, 42351, 34251, 43251, 23541, 32541, 25341, 52341, 35241, 53241, 24531, 42531, 25431, 52431, 45231, 54231, 34521, 43521, 35421, 53421, 45321, 54321
(Any Order)
Straight and Box with 5 unique digits. Odds - 1 in 100,000 / 1 in 833
Front 4 Wager 1234*
Draw 12349
1234* $2,500 $5,000
First four numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 10,000
Back 4 Wager 2345
Draw 62345
*2345 $2,500 $5,000
Last four numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 10,000
Front 3 Wager 123*
Draw 12379
123** $250 $500
First three numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 1,000
Back 3 Wager 345
Draw 60345
**345 $250 $500
Last three numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 1,000
Front Pair Wager 12*
Draw 12779
12*** $25 $50
First two numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 100
Back Pair Wager ***45
Draw 60845
***45 $25 $50
Last two numbers in exact order. Odds - 1 in 100
Winning Numbers
1 - 6 - 3 - 2 - 5
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 29 $5,800
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 3 $750
Back 3 2 $0
Front 2 0 $0
Back 2 4 $100
7 - 4 - 7 - 6 - 2
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 12 $4,800
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 1 $250
Back 3 2 $0
Front 2 3 $75
Back 2 4 $100
9 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 3
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 31 $6,200
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 1 $250
Back 3 1 $0
Front 2 3 $75
Back 2 0 $0
6 - 7 - 2 - 1 - 5
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 25 $5,000
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 3 $750
Back 3 1 $0
Front 2 5 $125
Back 2 1 $25
2 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 3
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 1 $25,000
Box 66 $13,200
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 3 $750
Back 3 4 $0
Front 2 4 $100
Back 2 18 $450
7 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 2
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 16 $6,400
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 4 $1,000
Back 3 2 $0
Front 2 0 $0
Back 2 0 $0
5 - 4 - 4 - 8 - 2
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 7 $2,800
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 1 $250
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 0 $0
Back 2 2 $50
5 - 4 - 0 - 8 - 3
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 13 $2,600
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 0 $0
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 0 $0
Back 2 4 $100
5 - 5 - 3 - 0 - 9
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 9 $3,600
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 1 $250
Back 3 1 $0
Front 2 15 $375
Back 2 10 $250
2 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 8
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 26 $10,400
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 2 $500
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 12 $300
Back 2 5 $125
2 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 7
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 13 $5,200
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 0 $0
Back 3 1 $0
Front 2 6 $150
Back 2 6 $150
3 - 0 - 0 - 8 - 4
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 12 $4,800
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 3 $750
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 7 $175
Back 2 4 $100
0 - 0 - 3 - 9 - 9
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 5 $4,000
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 0 $0
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 31 $775
Back 2 8 $200
3 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 0
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 6 $2,400
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 5 $1,250
Back 3 2 $0
Front 2 10 $250
Back 2 4 $100
8 - 1 - 0 - 9 - 7
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 64 $12,800
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 2 $5,000
Front 3 0 $0
Back 3 2 $5,000
Front 2 9 $225
Back 2 2 $50
8 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 3
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 2 $2,500
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 2 $500
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 2 $50
Back 2 0 $0
3 - 1 - 1 - 9 - 5
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 13 $5,200
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 1 $250
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 8 $200
Back 2 7 $175
3 - 5 - 6 - 9 - 8
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 29 $5,800
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 12 $3,000
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 7 $175
Back 2 0 $0
5 - 8 - 0 - 9 - 6
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 18 $3,600
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 2 $500
Back 3 0 $0
Front 2 6 $150
Back 2 0 $0
4 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 1
Play Type Statewide Winners Statewide Total
Straight 0 $0
Box 14 $5,600
Front 4 0 $0
Back 4 0 $0
Front 3 2 $500
Back 3 1 $0
Front 2 2 $50
Back 2 11 $275
Load More Pick 5 Numbers

No. State law prevents the sale of Louisiana Lottery products through the internet. Only licensed retailers are legally authorized to sell Louisiana Lottery tickets.

Yes! The multidraw features on the Lottery's draw-style games allows players to purchase plays for multiple drawings, up to 14 for Pick 3, Pick 4 and Pick 5, and up to 20 for Powerball, Mega Millions, Lotto and Easy 5. If you win a prize during one of the drawings, you do not have to wait until the last drawing has occurred before collecting those winnings. When you cash a winning multidraw ticket with drawings still remaining, the Lottery's terminal system will print out an exchange ticket good for the balance of the remaining drawings and with the same numbers as on your original ticket. The retailer will retain the original ticket as it is no longer valid and give your exchange ticket with your winnings.

Visit our Claim a Prize page for the claims options we have available.

Winning scratch-off tickets and Fast Play tickets can be claimed up to 90 days following the closure of the game. A list of closed games and end-of-redemption dates can be found on this website. Winning draw-style game tickets can be claimed up to 180 days following the drawing in which the prize was won.

All of the Lottery's games are games of chance. Drawing games are conducted using random number generation. This means that every number combination has an EQUAL chance of being selected for every drawing, REGARDLESS of whether or not it was drawn in the past. If number combinations that had been drawn in the past were removed from play, the game would be unfair. Even assuming that number combinations could be eliminated, it would take 1,000 drawings, or 2.8 years, for every possible Pick 3 combination to be drawn. For Pick 4, it would take 10,000 drawings or 28 years. For Pick 5, it would take 100,000 drawings or about 274 years.

If you win more than $600 and are therefore required to claim your prize at a Lottery office, you will be required to complete a claim form for tax purposes. Under the Lottery's statute, all prize payment records are open records, meaning that the public has a right to request the information. Depending upon the amount won and public or media interest in the win, winners may NOT be able to remain anonymous. The statute also allows the Lottery to use winners' names and city of residence for publicity purposes such as news releases. The Lottery's regular practice is not to use winner information in paid advertising or product promotion without the winner's willingness to participate.

The winning numbers or results of Powerball, Lotto, Easy 5, Pick 3, Pick 4 and Pick 5 drawings are broadcast beginning at 9:59 p.m on the following television stations. Mega Millions drawings are broadcast at 10:00 p.m. on the following TV stations, except for WVUE-FOX8 where it airs at the top of the first commercial break of the hour.

Station Channel City
KALB 5 Alexandria
WBRZ+ Available over the air, Digital 2.2 (HD) and 41.2, on Cox cable 1011 (HD) and 11, Charter cable 193 and EATEL cable 02. Baton Rouge
KATC Available via antenna 3.1, on Cox cable 5, LUS Fiber 5, AT&T U-verse Direct TV 3, Kaplan Telephone 3.1, Suddlenlink cable 3 and Charter cable 3. Lafayette
KVHP 29 Lake Charles
KARD/FOX 14 14 Monroe
WVUE/FOX 8 8 Mega Millions drawings air at the top of the first commercial break of the 10 p.m. newscast. New Orleans
KPXJ/KTBS 21/3 Rebroadcasts on KTBS during second commercial break of the 10 p.m. newscast. Shreveport

Lotto: Wednesday and Saturday nights at 9:59 p.m., except Christmas Day.

Easy 5: Wednesday and Saturday nights at 9:59 p.m., except Christmas Day.

Powerball: Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 9:59 p.m.

Mega Millions: Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 p.m.

Pick 3, Pick 4 & Pick 5: Daily at 9:59 p.m., except Easter Sunday and Christmas Day. There are no Louisiana-based drawings on Christmas Day or Easter. Drawings for the multistate games, Powerball and Mega Millions, will be conducted should Christmas fall on a draw day. Tickets must be purchased by 9:00 p.m. on the draw date for Powerball and Mega Millions, and by 9:30 p.m. on the draw date for Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5, Lotto and Easy 5 to be eligible for that drawing.

Pick 4 was introduced March 1, 1999 with daily drawings.

On occasion, certain popular Pick 3, Pick 4 and Pick 5 numbers may "sell out" and cannot be purchased. Unlike jackpot games, daily games pay out an established prize regardless of how many tickets are winners. In order to adequately fund these fixed prizes, the Lottery establishes a prize liability limit on these games and restricts sales of tickets for such drawings if the liability limit would be exceeded by the drawing of any particular numbers. Liability limits usually take effect when a large number of people have chosen a certain number, such as 9-1-1 after the Sept. 11 terrorist attack or 2-0-0-0 when the millennium ended. There is no need for sales restrictions on Easy 5, Lotto, Mega Millions and Powerball numbers, since jackpots are pari-mutuel, meaning the jackpot is divided equally among all its winners.