
Keep It Fun! Play Responsibly!

The Louisiana Lottery Corporation’s games are lots of fun! That’s why we encourage everyone to play responsibly. Here are a few tips on how to keep them that way:

  • Think of the money you lose as the cost of your entertainment.
  • Set a dollar limit and stick to it.
  • Set a time limit and stick to it.
  • Accept losing as part of the game.
  • Don’t borrow money to gamble.
  • Don’t let gambling interfere with family, friends or work.
  • Don’t gamble to win back losses.
  • Don’t use gambling as a way to cope with emotional or physical pain.
  • Gamble only for fun.
  • Know the warning signs of problem gambling.

The Louisiana Lottery is committed to the enrichment of our state. We support the efforts of the Louisiana Department of Health’s Office of Behavior Health to provide help for person who may have a gambling problem. Every year, we participate in the following activities:

  • Distribute problem gambling awareness brochures in all of our retailer play centers.
  • Print the problem gambling helpline number, 1-877-770-7867 on all tickets, advertising, news releases and sales materials.
  • Transfer $500,000 of annual Lottery proceeds to the state to be earmarked for problem gambling treatment and prevention, according to the state’s constitution.
  • Observe National Problem Gambling Awareness Month.


Warning Signs

Problem Gambling Warning Signs

More than half of all Louisiana adults report participating in some form of gaming at least once in the past year and the vast majority of them do so responsibly as a form of entertainment. However, in any given year 5.4have % the potential for developing a problem gambling disorder and another 2.9% meet the criteria for a pathological gambling disorder.* Like other addictions, these individuals have power over their urge to gamble, which can result in psychological, financial, emotional, marital and legal problems for them and their families. Problem gambling is not a bad habit or a moral weakness. It is a serious condition that can be treated.

For some, gambling is no longer fun — it’s no longer a game. Here are some signs of problem gambling:

  • Preoccupation with gambling and inability to stop
  • Bragging about gambling, exaggerating wins and minimizing losses
  • Restless and irritable when not gambling
  • Gambling to escape
  • Borrowing money for gambling
  • Lying to hide time or money spent gambling or unpaid debts
  • Frequent unexplained absences
  • Losing work time because of gambling
  • Doing something illegal to get money for gambling
  • Jeopardizing a significant relationship or job by gambling

Problem Gambling Quick Screening

Think you might have a problem with gambling, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. During the past 12 months, have you become restless irritable or anxious when trying to stop/cut down on gambling?
  2. During the past 12 months, have you tried to keep your family or friends from knowing how much you gambled?
  3. During the past 12 months did you have such financial trouble as a result of your gambling that you had to get help with living expenses from family, friends or welfare?

Answering YES to at least one of these questions indicates there may be a potential problem. Contact 1-877-770-7867 access to FREE treatment resources!

*2016 DH/OBH Problem Gambling Prevalence Study

Getting Help

Help & Hope for Those With Problem Gambling Disorders

Like other addictions, those with a problem gambling disorder have little power over their urge to gamble, which can result in psychological, financial, emotional, marital and legal problems for them and their families. Problem gambling is not a bad habit or a moral weakness. It is a serious condition that can be treated. For some, gambling is no longer fun — it’s no longer a game.

The good news is that hope and help are available. Louisiana is the only state to offer a variety of confidential problem gambling treatments, inpatient, outpatient, private counseling and 12-step meetings offered AT NO COST! Even better, these programs work!

If Someone You Know Has a Problem…

These are general ways to approach a conversation with someone you love when you are concerned about their gambling behavior. Those with a problem gambling disorder don’t necessarily need to “hit bottom” to decide to get help. For more advice, call the Problem Gambling HelpLine toll free at 1-877-770-7867.

  • Tell the person you care about them and you’re concerned about how they are acting.
  • Tell the person exactly what they’ve done that concerns you.
  • Tell the person how their behavior is affecting other people – and be specific.
  • Be clear about what you expect from them (“I want you to talk to someone about your gambling.”) and what they can expect from you (“I won’t cover for you any more.”)
  • After you’ve told the person what you’ve seen and how you feel, allow them to respond. Listen with a non-judgmental attitude.
  • Let the person know you are willing to help, but don’t try to counsel them yourself.
  • Give the person information, not advice.
  • Encourage them to call the help line at 1-877-770-7867.

For referral,call the toll-free Problem Gambling Helpline at 877-770-7867.


Resources for Problem Gambling

These websites offer additional information about problem gambling and treatment options: