NEWS | Nov 7, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Buying a new home and purchasing presents for the holidays were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery play…

NEWS | Oct 3, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Buying a new bedroom set and making car repairs were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery players had for…

NEWS | Sep 11, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Paying school tuition and making home renovations were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery players had f…

NEWS | Aug 6, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Planning a wedding vow renewal ceremony and taking the kids school shopping were just a few of the plans Louis…

NEWS | Jul 6, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Padding savings accounts and booking much-needed summer vacations were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lotte…

NEWS | Jun 5, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Buying a new truck and taking a trip to Florida were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery players had for…

NEWS | May 3, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Paying for home repairs and going out to eat a nice dinner were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery play…

NEWS | Apr 4, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Booking a summer vacation and paying for home renovations were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery playe…

NEWS | Mar 5, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Buying a drone and booking a trip to Italy were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lottery players had for some…

NEWS | Feb 2, 2018

BATON ROUGE – Building a swimming pool and placing a down payment on a new vehicle were just a few of the plans Louisiana Lo…