Double Cash Reward  -  Game No. 181

Game Summary
Ticket Price: $0
Top Prize: $0
Overall Odds of Winning: 1 in 0.00
Top Prizes Remaining: 0 of
Approximate Percent Claimed: 0%
Launch Date: 02/24/00
Close Date: 09/30/00
Final Redemption Date: 12/29/00

How to Play

How to Play
Put down yore six-shooters and stop lookin' for the next stagecoach, boys! Jes' slap $2 down and pick up a brand new Double Cash Reward instant scratch ticket from the Louisiana Lottery. It's a clean shot at a $25,000 sack `o cash! Yessir, you can win up to 10 times by matching Your Numbers to a Bank Vault Number! But listen to this: if you reveal a $$ symbol, yore prize doubles! For some `o you cowpokes used to runnin', there's even a Fast $50. How `bout that? Double Cash Reward even has the law ridin' with you!! The prize table for Double Cash Reward is as follows:
Prize Approximate
Odds of
of Winners
$25,000 1:1,080,000.002
Approximate overall odds of winning are 1:4.25
Prize Chart
Tier Prize Odds of Winning Total Claimed Remaining
Prize data last updated: 02/16/2025 03:04:23 PM CDT

Every effort has been made to ensure that the preceding list of prize payouts, odds, and other game information provided on this page is correct. However, in the event of an error, the official files of the Louisiana Lottery shall be controlling.