The Louisiana Lottery is giving casino lovers a golden opportunity to win cash prizes PLUS VIP getaway trips, including a chance to win up to $1 million, with the Golden Nugget® family of scratch-off games at the $2, $5 and $10 price points.
The $2 Golden Nugget® $14,000 will offer players 10 chances to win up to the top prize with a key-number match playstyle and a 5-times-the-prize multiplier feature. Similarly, $5 Golden Nugget® $100,000 will provide 15 chances to win up to the top prize, a 5-times-the-prize multiplier and an instant-win symbol. Finally, $10 Golden Nugget® $200,000 rounds out the family with 20 chances to win up to the top prize, plus both a 5- and 10-times-the-prize symbol!
The games will feature a second-chance mail-in promotion with entries including at least $10 worth of nonwinning tickets from any of the Golden Nugget® family of games. In total, 10 entrants will win a VIP weekend getaway trip to the Golden Nugget Lake Charles Hotel and Casino March 7-9, 2025, including the chance to compete for up to $1 million ($100,000 guaranteed) during a Grand Prize Event held by the Lottery March 8 at the casino!
Golden Nugget® and related marks and logos are registered trademarks of GNLV LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Louisiana Lottery Corporation is solely responsible for conducting and administering the Golden Nugget® scratch-off games and related drawings. Golden Nugget Lake Charles LLC shall have no responsibility for any prize selection or award. Self-excluded and Golden Nugget® prohibited persons are not eligible to enter second-chance promotion.
The Golden Nugget VIP Prize Package consists of a VIP trip for the winner and a guest to Golden Nugget Lake Charles March 7-9, 2025, to participate in the Louisiana Lottery Golden Nugget Grand Prize Event on March 8, 2025; suite accommodations for two nights at the Golden Nugget Lake Charles Hotel and Casino; $100 food credit; and $1,000 spending cash with federal and state withholdings paid on the winner’s behalf. The prize does not include trip incidentals such as transportation, parking, additional food and beverages.
Trip Eligibility Requirements
Trip prize winners and their guests must be at least 21 years of age. To be eligible for 2nd Chance Promotion entry, winners and their guests must NOT appear on the casino’s list of self-excluded/prohibited individuals. A winner may elect a proxy to take the trip on their behalf subject to the same eligibility requirements; in these cases, the winner will be paid all cash prizes awarded and will be responsible for all tax withholdings on the trip portion of the prize as well. Consult the promotional directive for complete rules.
Golden Opportunity VIP Trip Second-Chance Drawings
Drawing #1 Deadline is July 29, 2024
for 5 Golden Nugget VIP Prize Packages
Drawing #2 Deadline is December 2, 2024
for 5 Golden Nugget VIP Prize Packages
Golden Nugget and related marks and logos are registered trademarks of GNLV LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Louisiana Lottery Corporation issolely responsible for conducting andadministering the Golden Nuggetscratch-off games and related drawings. Golden Nugget Lake Charles LLC shall have noresponsibility for any prize selection oraward. Self-excluded and Golden Nuggetprohibited persons are not eligible to entersecond-chance promotion.
To enter, players should fill in their name, address, email and phone number on the back of at least $10 worth of any nonwinning Louisiana Lottery Golden Nugget scratch-off tickets, $2 Golden Nugget $14,000, $5 Golden Nugget $100,000 and $10 Golden Nugget $200,000 and mail in an envelope no larger than 4.5″ by 9.5″ to:
Louisiana Lottery Golden NuggetScratch-Off 2nd Chance Drawing
P.O. Box 98506
Baton Rouge, LA 70884
Players may enter multiple times, but each entry should be mailed in a separate envelope by the deadlines listed below. Entrants may win only one Golden Nugget VIP Prize Package in the entire promotion. Entrants must be at least 21 years of age and not on the casino’s list of self excluded/prohibited individuals.
Entries received for Drawing #1 will be held over to be included in Drawing #2.
By entering the second-chance drawings, players grant the Louisiana Lottery permission to use their name, images and city of residence in its publicity efforts should their entry be selected as a winner.
Golden Opportunity VIP Trip Second-Chance Drawings
Drawing #1 Deadline is July 29, 2024
for 5 Golden Nugget VIP Prize Packages
Drawing #2 Deadline is December 2, 2024
for 5 Golden Nugget VIP Prize Packages
Golden Nugget and related marks and logos are registered trademarks of GNLV LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Louisiana Lottery Corporation is solely responsible for conducting and administering the Golden Nugget scratch-off games and related drawings. Golden Nugget Lake Charles LLC shall have no responsibility for any prize selection or award. Self-excluded and Golden Nugget prohibited persons are not eligible to enter second-chance promotion.
The 10 VIP Trip Prize Package Winners will also have the chance to participate in an exclusive, exciting Grand Prize Event held by the Lottery at the Golden Nugget Lake Charles Hotel and Casino on March 8 during their trip experience for the opportunity to win up to $1 million ($100,000 guaranteed) as well as other cash prizes.
During the event, winners will participate in a series of three elimination rounds, working up to the chance of winning the $1 million prize. Every winner will walk away with at least $500.
In the first round, four winners will be awarded $500 and three will be awarded $1,000. In the second round, two winners will be awarded $10,000 and one winner will advance to the final round where they will win either $100,000 or $1 million! (Odds of winning the $1 million prize are 1 in 190.)
During the event, prize package winners will take turns selecting a Golden Nugget in the order they were drawn in the second-chance drawings. They will break the nugget open to reveal a number which corresponds to an envelope containing either their prize amount or an announcement that they are moving on to the next round. During the final grand prize round, the winner will select two nuggets out of 20 nuggets containing a unique number that corresponds to an envelope, which then contains another number listed on a prize chart; 18 of those numbers correspond to a $100,000 prize and two correspond to a $1 million prize. If BOTH of the winners numbers correspond to the $1 million prize, they win the $1 million!
See the promotional directive for complete event rules.
Golden Nugget and related marks and logos are registered trademarks of GNLV LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Louisiana Lottery Corporation is solely responsible for conducting and administering the Golden Nuggets cratch-off games and related drawings. Golden Nugget Lake Charles LLC shall have no responsibility for any prize selection or award. Self-excluded and Golden Nugget prohibited persons are not eligible to enter second-chance promotion.
Drawing #1 Winners
Blaise Dempster, Destrehan
Ronald Wilkinson, Maurepas
Linda Granger, Eunice
Coby Williams, Breaux Bridge
Eloise Horton, Baton Rouge
Drawing #2 Winners
Daniel Burton, Benton
John Connolly, New Orleans
Mary Miller, Mansura
Tracy Holmes, Baton Rouge
Emmit Brown Jr., Baton Rouge
John Connolly of New Orleans
Mary Miller of Mansura
Linda Granger of Eunice
Coby Williams of Breaux Bridge
Eloise Horton of Baton Rouge
Ronald Wilkinson of Maurepas
Blaise Dempster of Destrehan
Daniel Burton of Benton
Tracy Holmes of Baton Rouge
Emmit Brown Jr. of Baton Rouge
Golden Nugget and related marks and logos are registered trademarks of GNLV LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. The Louisiana Lottery Corporation is solely responsible for conducting and administering the Golden Nugget scratch-off games and related drawings. Golden Nugget Lake Charles LLC shall have no responsibility for any prize selection oraward. Self-excluded and Golden Nugget prohibited persons are not eligible to enter second-chance promotion.