Match three (3) like symbols out of the five in any SPIN across, win the corresponding prize shown on the PRIZE LEGEND.
Each SPIN is played separately.
Louisiana Jackpot is a linked progressive jackpot Fast Play game consisting of three price points,
$2 Louisiana Jackpot, $5 Louisiana Jackpot, and
$10 Louisiana Jackpot. Ten percent (10%) of each ticket sold from all three
Louisiana Jackpot games will be added into one progressive jackpot. The base jackpot will begin at $10,000. A
$2 Louisiana Jackpot purchase will pay out 20% of the advertised jackpot. A
$5 Louisiana Jackpot purchase will pay out 50% of the advertised jackpot. A
$10 Louisiana Jackpot purchase will pay out 100% of the advertised jackpot.