Catching a glimpse of what Daisy Maricle described as a "pretty ticket" paid off in a big way when she claimed a $200,000 top prize from a Black Pearls scratch-off at the Louisiana Lottery's Alexandria office.

After seeing the Black Pearls scratch-off on a digital display, the 47-year-old Hessmer native purchased two tickets. The second ticket she scratched was a top-prize winner.

Maricle's winning scratch-off was purchased at Tobacco Plus #10 on Tunica Drive East in Marksville. She plans to use her winnings to take a vacation.

Black Pearls is a $10 game that features 20 chances to win on each ticket. The game has two $200,000 top prizes remaining as of today.

For security purposes, the Lottery strongly encourages players to sign the back of their tickets immediately after purchasing.

Persons must be at least 21 years of age to purchase a Lottery ticket.  Anyone who has a gambling problem or friends and family of anyone with a gambling problem are encouraged to call toll-free 1-877-770-7867.