The Louisiana Lottery Corporation expressed appreciation to the management and staff of its instant ticket printing vendor, Scientific Games, after the company's outpouring of financial and in-kind contributions to local hurricane relief efforts.

Scientific Games matched its employees' monetary donations and presented a total check for $75,000 today to the Louisiana Capital Area chapter of the American Red Cross.

"The recent hurricanes have impacted us at the Louisiana Lottery  personally and professionally, from housing displaced friends to helping family members rebuild their lives. The overwhelmingly generous response to these tragedies shown by Scientific Games and its employees has lifted our spirits and strengthened our resolve," said Louisiana Lottery President Randy Davis.

"The magnitude and scope of the current relief response has been the single largest in the American Red Cross' 125-year history. To put our efforts in perspective, last year the Red Cross responded to four major hurricanes that hit Florida We estimate responding to Hurricane Katrina alone to be 15 times that," explained Vic Howell, CEO of the Louisiana Capital Area chapter of the American Red Cross. "The immense effort underway by the Red Cross could not continue without the support of individuals and companies like Scientific Games to sustain it."

In addition to the monetary donation, an 18-wheeler arrived at the Lottery earlier this month carrying pallets of clothing, baby formula, diapers, water supplies and other items donated by Scientific Games employees. The items are being distributed to area shelters still housing evacuees from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

"We were all shocked by the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and the impact felt by the people of Louisiana," said Scientific Games Regional Sales Director Keith Cash. "The partnership we share with the Louisiana Lottery provided the employees of Scientific Games a special desire to help in this time of need. I am very proud of the way our employees and company have responded."

Scientific Games is a global marketing and technology leader in the lottery, pari-mutuel and telecommunications industries. Scratch-off tickets are printed at the company's divisional headquarters and plant in Alpharetta, Georgia.